Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Jerash Mausoleum 3D view

David Connolly’s excellent 3D view of one of the large - and seriously endangered, monumental tombs beyond the walls of Roman Gerasa. Photographs are a mixture of his ground photographs and others taken from the air as part of the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan project.

Click here to view the Jerash Mausoleum 3D model

He has also made a 3D model of Kh. el-Beddiyeh - an excavated settlement site in the Ajlun Highlands.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Publications - 'Kites in Arabia' iBook now free to download

Back in 2014 we launched an iBook that brought together a lot of our research on Kites (see our blog

The iBook is now FREE TO DOWNLOAD!

You may also be interested in the following:
The Global Kites Project:
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy Special Issue Desert Kites - Old Structures, New Research: (Pay Wall)

You can browse thousands of photographs of Kites from Jordan in our archive.