Friday, 26 February 2016

Publications (Correction): Pioneers Above Jordan

It has just come to our attention that the article
David Kennedy 2012 'Pioneers Above Jordan: revealing a prehistoric landscape', Antiquity 86 (332): 474-491.
contains an error for the image and caption of figure 10.

The image in the text is the following:
Ausaji Kite 28
Ausaji Kite 28. Photographer: David Kennedy (APAAME_20091008_DLK-0167).
The caption should identify the site as 'Ausaji Kite 28'.

The caption in the published text is that for the following image:
Wisad Kite 14
Wisad Kite 14. Photographer: Robert Bewley (APAAME_20091004_RHB-0073).
The caption from the article reads as follows:
Wisad Kite 14 (APAAME 20091004 RHB-0073). A kite surrounded by an immense tangle of walls, few of them visible at ground level. In the top left is the Wisad Police Post on the Airmail Track.

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