Friday, 3 October 2014

Publications: Cairn of Hani- Significance, Present Condition and Context

The latest edition (2012) of the Annual of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan has been published with a contribution by David Kennedy with Karen Henderson.

David L. Kennedy (with Karen Henderson) 2012 (2014) 'The Cairn of Hānī: significance, present condition and context', Annual of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan 56: 483-505.

Cairn of Hani. Photographer: Michael Neville. APAAME_20090928_MJN-540.
Abstract: The Ḥarrat ash-Shām, the Basalt Desert of north-eastern Jordan, is strewn with thousands of stone structures; cairns are the most common but few have ever been systematically investigated. The Cairn of Hānī, identified some 60 years ago, is a rare example of a 'Safaitic' cairn with an intact burial which was then systematically excavated and published. Very few other cairns have been excavated since then and the Cairn of Hānī remains by far the most important and informative. Sadly it is now being damaged and may soon be destroyed. The aims of this article are to review the significance of this important cairn, to report on its parlous present condition and to place it in the context of both the handful of other excavated cairns in the region and of the numerous other ancient stone-built structures visible from the air within its immediate orbit.

The article can be accessed on Prof. David Kennedy's page:

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