Wednesday, 8 April 2015

New publication on Maitland's Mesa and Wisad Pools, Jordan.

The "land of conjecture:" New late prehistoric discoveries at Maitland's Mesa and Wisad Pools, Jordan. 

A new publication in the Journal of Field Archaeology features APAAME imagery of Maitland's Mesa (Maitland's Fort).

"Qattafi Mesa 4 (Maitland's Fort)"
APAAME_20100601_SES-0095 © Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East.

"Major cultural transformations took place in the southern Levant during the late prehistoric periods (ca. late 7th–4th millennia B.C. ). Agropastoralists expanded into areas previously only sparsely occupied and secondary animal products played an increasingly important economic role. In the arable parts of the southern Levant, the olive in particular became increasingly significant and may have played a part in expanded exchange contacts in the region. Technological expertise developed in craft production, and the volume and diversity of status goods increased, particularly in funerary contexts. Mortuary and other ritual practices became increasingly pronounced. General study syntheses, however, rarely include more than a cursory mention of the more arid regions of the southern Levant (i.e., Negev, eastern and southern Jordan, and Syria). Recent investigations indicate that intensive exploitation of the regions may date to these late prehistoric periods, yet this evidence has been difficult to attribute to specific chronological period or cultural affiliations. The Eastern Badia Archaeological Project investigates two regions for a potential florescence of building and occupation during the late prehistoric periods in the eastern desert of Jordan."

The article will be made available through Maney Online:
Rowan, Y.M., Rollefson, G. O., Wasse, A., Abu-Azizeh, W., Hill, A. C. and Kersel, M. M. (2015) "The ‘‘land of conjecture:’’ New late prehistoric discoveries at Maitland’s Mesa and Wisad Pools, Jordan", Journal of Field Archaeology 40: 176-189"

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